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Copyright 2015 Toscanoptics Italy
p.iva. 01043960770


M13 taken with 10"RC carbon truss telescope Toscanoptics from our customer Antonis Farmakopoulos. Image takena at f/6 on astrophysics 1200GTO. Exposure: L 18x300 sec bin 1x , RGB 12x300 bin 1x

NGC 4244 taken with RC 10" Toscano - Thanks to our customer (ANTONIS FARMAKOPOULOS GREECE) - Camera: QHY9 KAF 8300 mono CCD, Temp -25 C Filter/Exposures: L 12x600 sec bin 1x, RGB 9x300 bin 1x

Toscano 10" Truss RC f/9 Astrograph at f/6.4 Camera:QHY9 CCD, Temp -25 C- Guiding:TS 65Q , QHY5L II, PHD Guide- Exposures:L 35x300 sec bin 1x, RG 6x300 bin 1x , B 9x300 bin 1x

NGC 281 (is also known as the Pacman Nebula) taken with RC Toscanoptics at F/5.3

Abell 39 taken with RC Toscano at F/9 Guiding: 60/230mm Lunatico's Guidescope , QHY5, PHD Guide Filters / Exposures: L 18x300 sec bin 1x, RGB 12x180 bin 2x

M42 Taken with RC toscano at f/5

Jupiter taken with Dall Kirkham Toscano 11" at F=7800mm 0.18" arcsec/pix

Dall Kirkham Toscanoptics 11" F=7800

Taken with Cassegrain Toscanoptics 10" at F/25 - Diameter 49,7".

Taken with D-Kirkham Toscanoptics 11"