(+39) 347 1392314 - (+39) 0835 387691
Copyright 2015 Toscanoptics Italy
p.iva. 01043960770

Ritchey-Chretien carbon tube
Mechanical Features:
Designed, Engineered and Modeled in SolidWorks
Low expansion, light weight Carbon Fiber Tube for superior performance
and stability. 6061 Aluminum components - All CNC Machined.
Our Ritchey Chrétien telescopes are available in sizes: 12.5"- 16"- 20" 24"
Coating: Enhanced Aluminum (SiO2/TiO2) Overcoat 96%
All series of primary mirrors for RC are processed at least 1/18 PTV -1/60 RMS. So we get a value of the entire focal plane of at least 1/5-1/6 lambda 1/40 RMS.
Each optic is supplied with test report.
Each secondary mirror is tested by interferometric test at 660nm
and finally in autocollimation with a flat reference.
Astrositall Substrate
Available only for RC Optics with diameter from 16'' to 24''

Primary mirror dia. 318mm 410mm 510mm 610mm
Optical dia. 315mm 408mm 508mm 608mm
Primary mirror aperture F/3 F/3 F/3 F/3
Equivalent focal F/9 F/9 F/9 F/9
Secondary mirror dia. 120mm 141mm 185mm 211mm
Obstruction 0.39% 0.36% 0.39% 0.37%
Back focus 350mm 350mm 350mm 350mm
Weight 26Kg 43Kg 73Kg 120kg
Price € 8750,00 17250,00 29615,00 64130,00